LLC or S-Corp?
Choosing between an S-Corp and an LLC for your business structure? Use this checklist to determine which one fits your needs best.
1. Formation & Structure
Easier to set up and manage.
Flexible ownership structure.
Requires incorporation and filing Form 2553 with the IRS.
Ownership limited to 100 shareholders (U.S. citizens or residents only).
2. Taxation
Default: Pass-through taxation (profits taxed on owners' personal tax returns).
Option: Elect to be taxed as an S-Corp.
Pass-through taxation by default.
Potential tax savings on self-employment taxes.
3. Self-Employment Taxes
Members pay self-employment tax on all profits.
Owners only pay self-employment tax on their salaries.
Remaining profits distributed as dividends, avoiding self-employment tax.
4. Ownership & Flexibility
Unlimited members.
Can include other businesses as owners.
Limited to 100 shareholders.
Cannot have corporate or foreign owners.
5. Compliance Requirements
Minimal reporting and formalities.
More formalities (board meetings, minutes, etc.).
Stricter IRS scrutiny.
6. Profit Distribution
Flexible; can distribute profits however members agree.
Distributions must match ownership percentage.
Key Takeaways
Choose LLC for flexibility, ease of setup, and minimal compliance.
Choose S-Corp if you want to save on self-employment taxes and meet the eligibility criteria.
Still Confused? We Can Help.
At A, T, & P Legal, we specialize in business formation and provide professional legal counsel tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're leaning toward an LLC or an S-Corp, we'll guide you through the process to ensure your business is set up for success. Contact us today!