In this episode, Charlie Shi speaks about his diverse educational background and how his cultural knowledge has helped his business literacy. He goes on to give advice to international students and those teaching them important techniques and opportunities to allow foreign students to thrive in entrepreneurship prospects.
In this episode, Mike Kasin is joined by members of Diablo Valley College’s Phi Beta Lambda group. This group provides DVC students with educational and social networking opportunities to further their business connections and hopefully prepare them well for future entrepreneurship endeavors. The panel consists of PBL’s acting officers from the 2020-2021 school year as well as general members of the organization.
In this episode. Mike Kasin interviews a panel of Diablo Valley College business professors to learn about the Pitch Competition and other educational opportunities found on DVC’s campus. Students can find valuable advice for executing a business plan and taking a product from an idea to market.
In this episode, Mike Kasin talks to Pete Tormey, a reputable patent attorney and a partner at Antero, Tormey, and Petrin. As an expert on patents, as well as having ample personal entrepreneurial experience, Pete Tormey shares helpful advice and insight on the beginning steps to success for upcoming businesses.
In this episode, Mike Kasin interviews Octavia Racy, a recent entrepreneur in the fashion industry. Octavia Racy shares the beginning steps to creating her online streetwear company, Limbani, including finding product vendors and implementing unique branding concepts with visual elements.
In this episode, Mike Kasin talks with RJ Walker, the CEO and founder of RJ Computer Consulting. RJ Walker touches on his past work experience, how he started his current entrepreneurial pursuits including incorporating his business, and the importance of community service to a local business.
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